Saturday morning posting

Sitting here with my breakfast, checking out my runkeeper profile, and noticing a lot of weekly records, so hey, why not just blog about them, right?

237.5 km
Week of April 28, 2013
Week of April 28, 2013
Calories Burned
Week of April 28, 2013
Elevation Climb
2,599 m
Week of April 28, 2013

So that’s it, been lots of sweet rides this week, I went alone through the Järva nature reserve, which was awesome, hit some nice speeds on the gravel roads, I had different company home, and Fridays commute with another coworker on a racer was enjoyable to, nice to get some speed up!

Here’s the GPX from that ride, the last km’s from Silverdalen and home again is a bit off, mostly since I forgot to un-pause my runkeeper, so the average pace is a bit off to (to slow).

Now it’s back to my breakfast, and resting my legs some more!

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