Leather, it was long overdue

Not going to say much, but I got a Brooks saddle, it’s a long time coming, I’we been wanting one for years, and with the tour coming up I felt it was time, choice fell on a Flyer (the Special one with the hand hammered copper rivets) in the honey color, I also (of course) “needed” to get the handlebar tape to match!
Everything was bought in the awesome store that is Gamla Stans Cykel!

20150423_064445 Aint she pretty in her new gear (ignore the saddle angle, it’s fixed, I was a bit quick to get it out for a ride!)

Glamour shoots of the saddle and the bar tape, enjoying the morning sun! 

And the verdict, after a mere two days, it’s one glorious piece of work, I love it, from the first moment I sat in it, even with the wrong angle it was like a revolution of comfort for my behind, I’m looking forward to the future of it, how will it be when the the summer tour starts? in 6 months? next year?

More to come, but not today!

Long overdue post from 2014, Järva with mom

Right, this has taken a wee bit longer then it was supposed to.
Mom visited sometime (well august 2014) and well, joined for a ride around Järva, with the kids (all three) in wagons or by bike, so here comes pictures and maps:

Siiri, with Saga in the wagon sleeping, going to see the petting zoo at bög gård

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Siiri with Grandmah and Siiri with Granddad (I mean the goat).

Saga actually woke up to see some animals to!

After Bögs gård we started biking towards the old mill.

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Mom on the borrows bike and on the second picture one can see Viljami.

Boiled sausages in bread at the mill, I got to use my trangia kitchen again!

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Saga doing what she does best, eat, first at the mill, then a little later at Säbygård.
From here we went to some play spot before home called.

Incase you are curious about the route, it’s about like this: